Homebox - UGC #23 - Sascha


Thank you so much for taking part in this production. We're excited to work with you.

This document contains all the information you'll need to produce the content we need for the client.

What we require:

We are looking for a self-shot video of yourself talking about the service. We require this to be high quality and feel very natural.

How to film (please read carefully)

Please film in VERTICAL using your smartphone or another high-quality camera in selfie mode.

| Company Information | Website

Homebox's USP and Benefit Key Messaging At Homebox, our messaging revolves around making the complex simple, instilling confidence through clarity, and empowering individuals in their financial journey. We're not just about consolidating household bills and personalised packages; we're about simplifying home finances. With hassle free home set up, visible bills and the security of an FCA-regulated service, our message is one of simplicity, empowerment, and a fresh perspective on managing your household bills.

Homebox benefits:


| Script direction | Present in front of camera speaking to the lens, as you can see on the ref. Be dynamic, natural as in real live. Don’t forget about eye-contact. | | --- | --- | | Hook 1 | How I Budget as an International Student in the UK | | Hook 2 | How I Budget as an International Student from X in the UK | | Script copy | Main copy:

Hey there, I'm X, a X student studying here at X. Living in London can be pretty pricey compared to my hometown in X, but I've learned some savvy ways to make the most of my budget while enjoying my time abroad. Budgeting varies from city to city, but let me share what works for me.

First up, rent sets me back X pounds a month—it sounds steep, but hey, it's London. If you're outside the capital, rent could be half that. If you're in university housing, bills are usually included—just double-check.

Next, there's food shopping. I budget around X pounds monthly for that. London offers lots of options like Lidl, Tesco, and Too Good To Go, where you can snag great deals.

Handling bills alongside rent was a bit of a hassle until I found Homebox. They manage my utilities for around 120 pounds monthly, which has been a game-changer. No more chasing flatmates or stressing over payments—it's a relief, especially with how different bills can be here compared to back home.

As for the fun stuff, I reserve some of my allowance for traveling around the UK, hitting the shops with friends, and of course, belting out tunes at karaoke. Oh, and here's a tip: Check out the Homebox app for not just bill help, but also sweet perks and discounts. Can't wait for you to experience the UK—cheers! |

<aside> 💡 Before you start recording the video, please send us the adjusted copy. We want to have a genuine story, and we believe it's much easier to tell a story about yourself.
